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I'm a photographer and artist who is trying to better understand humans and humanity by slowing everything down to one frame.   I aspire to find a beauty in subjects that they may not have seen before, and want to capture people of all shapes and sizes in different contexts to do this.  Most of my subjects feature nudity because it feels real, vulnerable and subversive to me.  

Artist Statement

Life is a struggle and being human is painful, even more so for those on the fringe and those still trying to figure it out - the artists, non-binary, and people managing emotional and physical challenges. But there is a beauty in how we each inhabit our bodies, and sharing that with others tells our story and connects us together. I want to capture this beauty with fresh eyes to share it with both the person and others that need connection, inspiration and a reminder that there is beauty in a grim world.

Themes I'm pursuing

  • Post male-gaze sensuality

    • ​Non-binary beauty, strength, confidence and power​

    • Deteriorating the patriarchy through a display of body autonomy

    • Non-glamourous dark/gritty/strong sensual beauty

  • The beauty of each human body

    • Body diversity and neutrality 

    • Texture, elasticity and folds of our skin

    • Human bodies have hair​

  • Being human is hard, but we are not alone

    • The struggle of every day life

    • Emotional and physical pain or loss​

    • The intimacy of real couples

    • Bodies in home context

Contact Me

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